This is correct provided it is detected at an early stage, is carried out by an appropriate professional treatment and proper maintenance by the patient.
Gum disease is a chronic infectious disease of the supporting apparatus of teeth. It is a failure of the "foundation" of the teeth. This ends up destroying the bone around the roots with your periodontal ligament, resulting in final stages mobility and tooth loss. It is caused by a bacteria that are in the bacterial plaque and tartar.
To develop, individual susceptibility to allergies and the presence of plaque and / or calculus (tartar) is needed. Its evolution is usually chronic and often asymptomatic. There are only a few characteristic signs: bleeding gums, bad odor (halitosis) and taste. When it is relatively advanced, there are also mobility of parts and in some cases abscess formation under the gums.
The most common is chronic adult periodontal disease, being the main cause of tooth loss in this time of life ahead of caries and trauma. If it comes in early times (childhood or adolescence), evolution is generally more aggressive, losing teeth at an early age.
The professional in the explorations of mouth or reviews handles a periodontal probe to detect "Bags" (fornix under the gums) since in many cases, the classic signs do not manifest, especially in smokers. In these, the action of nicotine and tars decreased vascularity gum, masking the gingival bleeding.
* A publication of Dr. Jose Arias Pardiñas, dentist doctor expert in dental implants, gum disease and prosthetics.