
Physiotherapy for temporomandibular dysfunction

Do you have temporomandibular dysfunction? In our clinic in A Coruña we offer physiotherapy for the treatment of TMJ problems. More information here.The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is responsible for the mobility of the mandible. The TMJ is in constant motion and allows us to chew food, talk or yawn. Its functioning is so complex that it can bring problems such as temporomandibular dysfunctions, which are failures of connection between the different parts of the joint.

The main signs of temporomandibular dysfunction are the limitations to open the mouth or to move it and the articular noises. They can be caused by poor postural habits, fractures, surgeries, prolonged dental treatments, stress, bruxism, nail biting or dental alignment problems.

The main consequence of temporomandibular problems is the difficulty in eating and talking, the sensation of fatigue and pains in the neck, eyes, mouth and ears. Other associated problems are dizziness, tinnitus (noise in the ears), vision problems, jaw blocks and burning sensation.

If we suffer from any of these discomforts, physical therapy can help to restore a normal jaw movement and reduce pain. At Clínica Pardiñas we offer to our patients in A Coruña a physiotherapeutic treatment against temporomandibular dysfunction. Our therapist will explore, value and treat the entire masticatory system. Some of the treatments are manual therapies, special techniques for pain, postural reeducation, active exercises and preventive educational advice.

So, if you live in Galicia and have any problems related to temporomandibular dysfunction, do not hesitate to contact us.

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